Yoga + HIIT Wednesday 3.18.20

Wednesday’s workout.

  • 20 minute yoga|core|plyometric warm up.

  • 20 minute main set:

    • 50s: right side plank

    • 1m: half burpee twist

    • 50s: left side plank

    • 1m: frogger squats

    • 6x tabata prone arm extensions

    • 6x quadraped hold

  • 10 minute yoga cool down.

Equipment needed

  • A space to move and a mat.

Workout Description

  • Go through the whole workout twice.

  • Start the workout with a 50 second side plank on the right. Give 10s of rest. At minute 1 go right into a minute of half burpee twists. At minute 2 go into a 50 second side plank on the left. At minute 3 go into a minute of frogger squats. At minute 4 go into a 6 round tabata set (20s on, 10s off) of prone arm extensions. At minute 7 go into a 6 round tabata set of quadraped hold. At minute 10 go right back to the top of the workout going into a 50 second side plank on the right. Repeat the workout one more time.

  • When you hit minute 20. Head into a 10 minute yoga cool down.