Friday HIIT 4.10.20
Friday’s workout
1 Round 3X 45s on, 15s off
high knees
side plank R1: R R2: L
surrender squats R1: R R2: L
boat pose
10 lunge to skip R & L
10 lateral lunge to skip R & L
1 Rounds 3X 45s on, 15s off
high knees
side plank R1: R R2: L
surrender squats R1: R R2: L
boat pose
10 lunge to skip R & L
10 lateral lunge to skip R & L
Equipment needed
A space to move, and a mat.
Workout Description
Start with the workout with the interval set minute set, 1 Round 3X 45s on, 15s off of high knees, side plank on the right, surrender squats leading with the right leg, and boat pose.
Next head into a 3 minute AMRAP going through 10 lunge to skip with the right and left leg, and 10 lateral lunge to skip with the right and left leg as many times as you can in 3 minutes.
as many times as you can in three minutes.
Then head back into the interval set. 1 Round 3X 45s on, 15s off of high knees, side plank on the left, surrender squats leading with the left leg, and boat pose.
Finish the main set with the 3 minute AMRAP going through 10 lunge to skip with the right and left leg, and 10 lateral lunge to skip with the right and left leg as many times as you can in 3 minutes.
Give yourself a 5-10 minute stretching cool down.
*Remember to listen to you body. Stop if anything feels like it a pinching or a shooting pain. And give more rest when and where needed.