Thursday Yoga + HIIT 4.9.20

Thursday’s workout

5x4 minute 1 minute rounds

1m: shoulder taps

1m: tuck jumps

1m: quadraped hold

1m: lateral jumps side-side

Equipment needed

- A mat and or space to move

Workout Description

- Go through the whole workout 5 times (4, 1 minute rounds)

- Start with 1 minute of shoulder taps, going right into 1 minute of tuck jumps, then into 1 minute of quadraped hold, finishing with one minute of lateral side-side jumps. At minute 4 go right back into 1 minute of shoulder taps, repeating the set a total of 3 more times.

*remember to listen to your body. Slow down if you need to. Stop if anything is hurting or creating a shooting or pinching feeling. Modify and adjust movements and exercises when and where you need to.