Wednesday Yoga + HIIT 4.1.20
Wednesday’s workout
4 minute AMRAP
20 mountain climbers
10 sit-ups
20 supine bicycle
1 round (3x 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off)
jumping jacks
hollow body hold
Equipment needed
A space to move and a mat.
Workout Description
Start and end with the 4 minute AMRAP. In-between go through the interval set once, each exercise 3 rounds of 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off.
Start the workout with the 4 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) going through 20 mountain climbers (alternating), 10 sit-ups, and 20 supine bicycle (alternating) as many times as you can in 4 minutes. At minute 4 go immediately into the 3, 45 seconds intervals of burpees. At minute 7 go into 3 rounds of plank. At minute 10 go into 3, 45 second rounds of jumping jacks. At minute 13 go into 3, 45 second rounds of a hollow body hold. At minute 16 go back to the top right into 2, 45 second rounds of single leg DL on the left leg. At minute 14 go back into the 4 minute AMRAP picking up where you left off going through 20 mountain climbers (alternating), 10 sit-ups, and 20 supine bicycle (alternating) as many times as you can in 4 minutes.
When you hit minute 20. Head into a 10 minute yoga cool down.
*remember to listen to your body. Slow down if you need to. Stop if anything is hurting or creating a shooting or pinching feeling. Modify and adjust movements and exercises when and where you need to.